学院首页 >> 2023版主页 >> 党群工作 >> 共青团 >> 团学风采 >> 正文
供稿: 互联网 时间: 2008-03-28 次数:
希望看到该文的老师和同学能够静心反思一下! 1.No food is allowed in the classroom (drinks are OK). 2.Do not touch the classroom computer without permission. 3.No chatting or making distracting noises. 4.No gum chewing while discussing lesson topics. 5.No Spitting. 6.Mobiles: Shut down or in “Silent” mode. Urgent calls and messages may be handled out of the classroom upon permission. 7.No smoking around the teacher. Use English. Words “in context” may be freely translated. 8.Bring your Textbook, and Writing Materials (pens, paper, etc). 9.You may not take your break while the teacher speaks. Please wait for his signal. 10.Full attendance earns 10 points. A 10 minute lateness will be counted as 1 absence. 5 points are deducted for each and every absence. Sleeping is counted as 1 absence. Active listening, participating and student presentations earn up to 10 points. These points can be preempted by absences. 11.Outbound Activities earn up to 10 points. 12.The mid-term exam earns up to 35 points. 13.The final exam earns up to 35 points. 感谢工业工程系孙老师提供资料!

