The Three International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (Rocdyn-3) was held from 25 June to 29 June in Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway. About 180 participants were from more than 40 countries.

RocDyn-3 was a specialized conference devoting to topics on the dynamic behavior of rock and rock masses and engineering applications. The themes included:
T1 Laboratory dynamic testing of rock;
T2: Theoretical study and numerical modelling;
T3: Rockburst and dynamic rock support;
T4: Seismicity and seismic monitoring in underground excavations;
T5: Earthquake-related structure damage and landslides;
T6: Rock blasting and explosions;
Our school teacher, Dr. Wen Wang participated the conference and gave a report.
His topic title was “Experimental study of strength characteristics of coal specimens under static and dynamic loadings”.
He communicated with many participants in earthquake-related structure damage and rock dynamics.