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Cheng WANG

Dr. Cheng WANG, male, born on March 1984 in Hanshan County of An’hui Province, is an A/Professor in School of Energy Science and Engineering at Henan Polytechnic University (HPU), China. He was conferred his bachelor degree in September 2006 and Ph.D. degree in June 2011, which are both in the major of Mining Engineering at China University of Mining and Technology, Xuzhou, China.

His research interest includes controlling technology of coal mine pressure and roadway surrounding rock, and backfill mining technology. He has participated in 4 national projects, which are National Natural Science Foundation of China (Project lead), Program for New Century Excellent Talents in University, and the National Science & Technology Pillar Program. Besides, he has attended 4 more Province or Ministry level projects.

As a researcher, 46 academic papers, including 4 SCI journals, and 13 EI journals, have been published both at home and abroad and 26 national patents, which are 8 invention model and 18 utility model patents, have been authorized. Moreover, he won 7 awards of Province and Ministry level (4 awards of second class and 3 awards of third class), and 3 awards of City Department level.

He also participated in writing one academic book and supervised the undergraduates of the Practical Work Contest of National University Undergraduates in Mining Engineering, awarded by 2 first class, 3 second class and 1 third class.


Changsheng SONG [11/21]
Sijiang WEI [11/22]
Shuangjian NIU [11/22]
Dawei LI [11/14]
Xiaoxiang CHEN [11/22]
Cheng WANG [11/22]
Xuefeng XU [11/22]
Tongqiang XIAO [11/22]
Hui ZHANG [11/22]