供稿: 王国营 | 时间: 2023-10-17 | 次数: |
2025年-今, 河南理工大学能源学院采矿工程系,副教授
(2) 数值模拟方法及应用,主讲(2022年-今)
[1] Wang G*, Zhou F, Jia H*, et al. Heat extraction performance of multi-level, multi-branch, closed loop coaxial horizontal borehole heat exchanger geothermal system[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2025: 126045. (SCI二区 top)
[2] Ma H, Wang G*, Feng G, et al. Experimental study on the mechanical properties of granite after circulating liquid nitrogen subjected to real time high temperature[J]. Geoenergy Science and Engineering, 2025, 246: 213624. (SCI二区 top)
[3] Wang G, Liu S*, Yang D, et al. Numerical study on the in-situ pyrolysis process of steeply dipping oil shale deposits by injecting superheated water steam: Acase study on Jimsar oil shale in Xinjiang, China[J]. Energy, 2021: 122182. (SCI 一区 top)
[4] Wang G, Ma H, Liu S*et al.Thermal power extraction from a deep, closed-loop, multi-level, multi-branch, U-shaped borehole heat exchanger geothermal system [J] Renewable Energy, 2022: 894-906 (SCI 一区 top)
[5] Wang G*. Yang D, Liu S etal. Experimental study on the anisotropic mechanical properties of oil shalesunder real-time high-temperature conditions. Rock mechanics and Rockengineering 2021: 1-19 (SCI二区 top)
[6]Wang G, Yang D*,Zhao Y, et al. Experimental investigation on anisotropic permeability and itsrelationship with anisotropic thermal cracking of oil shale under hightemperature and triaxial stress[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 146:718-725. (SCI二区 top)
[7]Wang G, Yang D*,Kang Z, et al. Numerical Investigation of the in Situ Oil Shale PyrolysisProcess by Superheated Steam Considering the Anisotropy of the Thermal,Hydraulic, and Mechanical Characteristics of Oil Shale[J]. Energy & Fuels,2019, 33(12): 12236-12250. (SCI 二区)
[8]Yang D*, Wang G, Kang Z, et al. Experimental investigation of anisotropic thermal deformation of oil shale under high temperature and triaxial stress based on mineral and micro-fracture characteristics[J]. Natural Resources Research, 2020, 29: 3987-4002. (SCI 二区)
[9] Wang G, Yang D*, Kang Z, et al. Anisotropy in thermal recovery of oil shale—Part 1: thermal conductivity, wave velocity and crack propagation[J]. Energies, 2018, 11(1): 77.
[10]王国营,杨栋,康志勤.高温三轴应力作用下油页岩的渗透特征各向异性演化规律实验研究[J].岩石力学与工程学报,2020,39(06):1129-1141 (EI, 中国卓越行动计划入选期刊)
[1] 国家自然科学青年基金: 52104128 原位对流热解油页岩渗流-传热各向异性演化规律及机理 2022-2024 主持
[2] 中国博士后基金面上项目:2021M690918 原位注蒸汽作用下裂隙油页岩微观结构特征及渗流特性演化规律2021-2022 主持
[3] 河南省科技攻关: 212102310010原位注热开采油页岩孔裂隙发育与渗流演化机理及高效注热关键技术2021-2022 主持
[4] 河南省科技攻关:252102320320 热冲击-剪切联合激发裂隙干热岩储层强化渗流传热机理及关键技术 主持
[5] 河南理工大学博士基金:原位注热开采油页岩宏细观传热传质数值研究 主持
[6] 山西省优秀博士论文:《高温作用下油页岩热物理、渗流、力学特征各向异性演化规律及其应用》作者:王国营;导师:杨栋
[7] 第十二届全国高等学校采矿工程专业学生实践作品大赛 一等奖 指导老师(第1)
[8] 2022 河南省教育厅2022专创融合特色示范课程 《地热资源开发与利用》 (第2)
[9] 2022 河南高等教育教学改革研究与实践项目 《《智能采矿形式下采矿工程科研型实验室的教学转化与应用》 (第3)
[10] 2022年河南省科技进步三等奖:水力割缝扰动“三软”托顶煤回采巷道主动支护关键技术,2023.04(第4)
[11] 2024年中国职业安全健康协会二等奖: 孤岛工作面坚硬顶板分级
控制与巷道围岩增效锚固控制技术 (第2)