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Baofu LI

Dr. Baofu LI, is an Associate professor of department of mining engineering, School of Energy Science and Engineering of Henan Polytechnic University (HPU), in China .

He obtained his master's degree from Henan Polytechnic University (HPU) in 2014 . During the year 2014~2016, he had worked at Hami Vocational and Technical college inXinjiang for three years as a volunteer from the 8th Xinjiang aid work which was hosted and offered by Henan Province.

As a scholar, He has participated in a number of national natural fund projects and Coal mining enterprises entrust projects. He has published more than 10 academic papers.

Research Area:

1.Stope and Roadway Surrounding Rock Control

2.Coal and Rock Dynamic Disaster Prevention and Control

Tel.: +86 13603445349

Email: libf@hpu.edu.cn

Address: Energy Science and Engineering Building, Henan Polytechnic University, Century Avenue 2001#Jiaozuo City, Henan Province, P.R. China, 454003


Hua NAN [11/17]
Ruifu YUAN [11/17]
Shiming Wei [11/17]
Huamin LI [11/17]
Xinxian ZHAI [11/14]
Yuning SUN [11/14]
Tingkan LU [11/14]
Zhongming ZHAO [11/14]
Jinping WEI [11/21]